
Workshop What Must Die? What Might Spring New?  

Angelina Kumar

There are phases in life where we have to let go of things, parents letting go of their child, ones home, land, food, way of life, habits, ideologies, comforts and what you’ve known and step into a new phase. Letting go of the old, makes room for life to spring anew.

This participatory artwork by Angelina Kumar invites you to reflect on two profound questions: What Must Die? What Might Spring New? 

Kumar’s current research dives into the ever changing aspect of nature, and species that have a very transformative character and vital role within the ecosystem such as Fungi. A species increasingly recognized for its role as an intermediary between different life forms. and also regenerative and cleansing powers. Fungi possess remarkable regenerative abilities, capable of decomposing and even neutralizing pollutants, thereby playing a crucial role in environmental restoration. Through this exploration, Kumar encourages participants to consider the transformative potential of ourselves in a more metaphorical context.

Duration: 40 min 

*This artwork can be viewed throughout the day.