

Rosalie Mignonne van Velsen

Rosalie Mignonne van Velsen is an interdisciplinary artist. Her works emerge from a complete understanding of form, material, colour, taste and smell. Her work is often about mankind and the environment, and getting inside the skin of the other. She always seeks the tension between expressions of reflection and ideas that arise from the investigation of sensory perceptions.

Wedergeboorte (Back To The Womb) dives into questions like: How do we get back to the beginning? We once started as an egg cell fertilized by a sperm cell, but we actually know little about that. But what if we could do this again? What if we go further back than our own birth, and approach the evolution of homo sapiens through a rebirth from mother earth?

Wedergeboorte explores the deep bond between humans and the rest of the living world, and reminds us that we all originate from the womb of Mother Earth. The green entrance of a church, covered with grass and moss, symbolizes our rebirth and the return to our origins. The church functions as a womb, a safe place where we can rediscover ourselves, where we can reflect on our beginnings as just an egg and a sperm, fused together into something that has the potential to grow into a complex, sentient being. It is an invitation to return to our source with respect and humility.