
Common ground

Rym Hayouni

Through her art research studies in scenography, rym explores the earth/land as a web of relations and intersections. ‘Common ground’ is part of this ongoing research. Since last spring, she has been on a journey to collect soil, through farms, gardens, community-run spaces, and urban nooks and crannies 

While soil is a substance that embodies movement, migration, collaboration through the micro-organisms that inhabit it and whose trajectories are constantly being invented and reinvented, rym’s encounter with the different lands she visited and the collection of soil samples led her to question her relationship to the earth and her position within all the enclosures, divisions, borders, possessive and exploitative forces over land. 

Moving from collecting to de-collecting, rym invites us to touch, smell, listen and share collectively in search of forms of celebrating the earth that transform dominant narratives of land into a common ground.

In collaboration with Thatweirdplantguy on the willow structure