


Art collective WERC has created a family of light art installations called Lumo. It is a series of large light art installations that mimic natural processes. WERC calls them digital organisms, and is inspired by flocks of starlings, schools of fish or groups of fireflies.

WERC is currently developing the newest member of that family called ‘Chirp’. During RE_NATURE Festival, WERC will present the beta version of Chirp. It is the strange brother in the Lumo family. Being actively developed, it uses sound. The aim is to mimic the way crickets and cicadas use sound to create emergent behavior. Chirp uses temperature and an algorithm similar to the way fireflies sync up their light pulses to determine their behavior and create the feeling of a field of chirping crickets. 

Artist collective WERC focuses on designing and developing interactive media art in relation to nature, theater, science and technology. The humanization of technology and the interaction between humans, nature and technology are the guiding principles in their work. In their installations and performances, WERC plays with the boundary between the physical and digital world: where does one world stop and where does the other begin? And can we really speak of two different worlds?